Meet the Pack


Our Furry Family

Little Handsome Siberians was established in 2014 and is the Siberian Husky extension of Little Handsome Kennels. We are breeders, advocates for the Siberian Husky, and proponents of honoring the heritage of the breed. We produce pet and show litters and are passionate about placing our puppies in responsible, educated, FOREVER homes.

See below to learn more about each of our pack members.

The Guys



Retired Male

AKC & CKC Registered

Progeny Genetic Health Results:

Tyche - Calypso


Hercules is our pride and joy. He is the backbone of our kennel and leader of our pack. "Herc" is an all-white husky with black points and blue eyes. He maintains a laid back temperament while being gentle and affectionate. Hercules is a proven sire of multiple litters and has passed level II AKC Obedience training.



Breeding Male

AKC Registered

Embark Health Profile

Progeny Genetic Health Results:



"Cali-boy" is the comes to us all the way from Georgia with excellent show and racing lines. He is our athletic "wild child" and always ready for an adventure. He is eager to please and affectionately oriented towards people. Calister is liver coated with blue eyes and liver points. He will be producing show litters for our kennel and has passed level I AKC Obedience training.



Adolescent Male

AKC Registered

Embark Health Profile


"Saturn", registered as Northlane's Follow Your Intuition O' Kennon, is our newest addition and a co-own with Northlane Siberian Husky and Seppala Siberian Sled Dog Racing Team. His father is a lead sled dog for Northlane's team. Saturn will spent his summers with us and will travel up north during racing season to follow in his father's paw prints.



Breeding Male

AKC Registered

Embark Health Profile


"Ollie", registered as Kennon's Song of Olympus, is a stunning boy who hails from the great state of Georgia. His grand-sire is a UKC Champion. Ollie is Hercules' wing-man and we are very please to see Hercules replicating himself in this youngster. We've even begun affectionately calling Ollie "Hercules 2.0". Ollie is all fun and games combined with a sweet spirit and gentle demeanor. He is grey and white with black points and will be producing show litters for our kennel.

The Gals



Retired Female

AKC Registered

Progeny Genetic Health Results:

Tyche - Calypso


Persephone hails from North Carolina and is a true delight to our kennel. She is warm, affectionate, and dedicated to her pack. She is an agouti coated female with blue eyes and black points. She produces red puppies if the sire carries the trait. "Percy" is a proven breeder and has completed level II AKC Obedience training.



Breeding Female

AKC Registered

Embark Health Profile


Tyche is our first "home grown" pup. She is the daughter of Hercules and Persephone (with whom she is inseparable). Tyche is a lover pup, matching the temperament of her mother with the regal presence of Hercules. She is truly the best combination of both parents and we couldn't be more proud of how she's turning out.





Female Pup

AKC Registered

Embark Health Profile



Retired Female

CKC Registered

Progeny Genetic Health Results:



Megara also comes to us from the great state of North Carolina. "Meg" is a proven breeder and an excellent mother with impeccable instincts. She loves a gentle breeze on a crisp spring day. Meg has an all-white coat with liver points and blue eyes. Genetically, she carries the red coat and bi-eyed traits.



Breeding Female

AKC Registered

Embark Health Profile


Sweet Calypso is a 2nd generation "home grown" pup. She is the grand-daughter of Hercules and Persephone and daughter of Tyche and Calister.






Breeding Female

AKC Registered

Embark Health Profile

OFA Hip/Eye Results


Misha is our up and coming star. She is grey and white with brown eyes and comes from racing and show lines. Her mother is an international champion in the show ring and her father races on a recreational sled team. Misha's temperament and form are on point. She will be producing show litters for our kennel.



Breeding Female

AKC Registered

Embark Health Profile


Luna is our co-owned gal with Koori Yama Siberians. She is Misha's pup and, like Misha, comes from show and racing lines. Her sire (Zayne) was imported from Croatia and has a heavily titled, international lineage. He recently earned his AKC Champion status. Luna has begun her mushing career with Northlane Siberian Huskies in Caribou, ME, and has earned a spot on the racing team for this year's Wilderness race and 100 mile Can/AM.


"Mighty" Mouse

Female Pup

AKC Registered

Embark Health Profile

Our Non-Husky Members



Livestock Guardian

AKC German Shepherd Dog

DDR/East Czech



King of the Farm Cats

Bast's son




Nanny & Livestock


Great Pyrenees



The Marvelous Mrs.

The affectionate wonderer



Ferocious Feline

She found us



The Flock

We love fresh eggs!

Currently raising Barred Rock's, Buckeyes, Pekin & Khaki Campbell Ducks
